Monday, March 8, 2010

Website, Field, and Why I'm the First To Go

First things first: If you go to, you'll notice a new look. Minor League Baseball has redesigned their pages, but all the important information is still there. Not a whole lot has changed other than the design, but it may take you a minute or two to find things. A link to this blog can still be found under the multimedia tab at the top of the page.

Secondly, here is today's picture of the field. Two things to notice:
1) No Snow
2) Joel Reinebold cutting the grass. It's nice to seem him actually working after sleeping in the office all winter

Thirdly, I teased this in an earlier post, but here's the story behind the weird title to this post. Nick Devlin was an intern for the Quad Cities River Bandits. He's now the broadcaster for the Burlington Bees. He's also blogging, (I'll link to his blog on the right side of this page as well).

Anyhow, Nick had a post about other Midwest League bloggers, and included mine. I appreciate the love, but let's take a look to see what he wrote about me:

"Owen Serey's the South Bend radio guy, and an all-around likable young man. When I was interning with Quad Cities last year, I made it a habit to sit in with each opposing broadcaster when they came to town. Usually I'd listen for an inning, ask a few questions during commercial breaks, thank them for their time, and head out. Owen was among those who seemed most concerned that I learn something while I sat in with him, though. Not in an overbearing way, either. It just seemed like he really cared. Now, maybe it's because he's a really nice guy, or maybe it's because he has red hair and will therefore be the first to go in any apocalyptic scenario, but it made for a very positive experience overall, and it makes me like his blog a lot." (emphasis added by me)

While I appreciate the compliments about the blog, and I do like to make sure people actually learn something from me when they sit with me for an inning or two, what's with the line about how red heads are the first to go in the Apocalypse? Did I miss that memo or something? Why does everyone feel the need to take shots at the red-headed guy?

We have a staff meeting later this afternoon, so this is probably my last post for today. I'll have another red-head related post tomorrow for you....and probably a mention or two about baseball as well.


  1. Red Head's = Ginger is a South Park reference. Actually pretty funny! :-)

  2. Great...I want people referencing South Park and how they refer to red heads. That's a great source of information.

  3. What's with your blog being relegated to "difficult to find" status? It is the most entertaining thing on this site. There's not room for the little baseball?

  4. Anonymous...I appreciate the love for the blog. I'm making a push to get my blog link on the right side of the page like it was on the old website. I'll have to strong arm the webmaster though.
