Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is This Good or Bad Writing?

Thanks to official scorer Pete Yarbro for passing along this link of a game story from the New York Daily News.  Remember, this is a game story, not a commentary piece. 

I can't decide if this is a brilliant piece of writing or journalistic garbage.  Sure, we all feel like writing stuff like that from time to time, but if you're writing an article about the game only, aren't you supposed to leave your opinion out?

Either way, it's an interesting read from a frustrated writer watching a bad team.

1 comment:

  1. Bad Writing. It's what you might see in the blogosphere... but not from us!

    I grew up in New York and if there is one thing I know, Mets fans get discouraged in April if their team is not doing well and give up on their team by May 1st if they are not doing well.

