Friday, June 26, 2009

Blogging from the Bus

For whatever reason, on this trip to Fort Wayne we have a luxury bus that has the following:
  • Leather Seats
  • Satellite TV
  • Wi-Fi

Usually our buses have TVs and a DVD player, so the only thing you can watch is movies brought by the players. This gets interesting at times, and in my four years as a broadcaster, I've seen movies like BeerFest and Old School more times than I can count. Not to say that there is anything wrong with these movies, but actually having Satellite TV is a nice change. Unfortunately, there are no early MLB games today, so we're currently watching the Outdoor Channel. I realize I'm from Kentucky, but this isn't really my style.

The Wi-Fi is something we usually don't have, although I have to say I'm a big fan. I can get a lot done (like this blog and my media notes) if I had internet access at all times.

If you ever wondered what a bus trip is like, let me summarize it by looking around the bus and telling you what I see right now:

-TVs are on, only about 2 people really watching

-There are currently 32 people on the bus, including players, coaching staff, and the bus driver.

-I'd say about 12 of the 32 are currently sleeping...or at least they were until the bus driver just slammed on the brakes and just woke everyone up (not his fault, a bad driver in front of us made a stupid move).

-Half of the people on the bus have in earphones listening to music of some sort (myself included and my current selection is Billy Joel -- I have an appreciation for all types of music).

-I'm in the third row behind the driver, one seat back of strength coach Vaughn Robinson, and two back of Franciso Morales. Mark Haley has the first row on the right side. Normally Erik Sabel is directly behind him, but Sabel isn't on the bus on this trip for some reason. Brian Czachowski usually occupies the third seat on the right, but he's moved up to the second seat with Sabel being absent. The players fill in the rest of the seats. Most have a row to themselves, although a few have to double up.

-I think there was a card game going on about halfway back. No idea what they are playing. If it's not War, Crazy 8's, or Euchre, I'm not playing.

-That's about it. Trust me, it's not that exciting, particularly when you play 70 games on the road a season.

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